Save New Barnet Campaign
This website is part of the 'Save New Barnet Campaign'. It has no affiliation to any political party.
Following the delivery of Tesco's letter on 23rd Jan 2008, a number of New Barnet residents got in contact with each other, concerned about the implications of Tesco and the long standing ASDA plans.
As a first response this website was set up as contact point and information exchange for local residents.
A flyer was distributed to as many homes as possible in the area in the few days between receiving Tesco's letter on 23rd January 2008 and their 'exhibition' on 31st January 2008. However, as an ad-hoc group of local residents with limited resources, distribution of publicity at very short notice was patchy.
A public meeting on 3rd April 2008 was set up through the New Barnet Community Association. It drew a capacity audience to St James' Church in East Barnet Road.
Further publicity was distributed locally in early June 2008 to alert residents to the public exhibitions being held by Tesco & ASDA. Once everyone had had the chance to see exactly what they had planned for their sites, the strength of opposition grew and more local people wanted to get involved.
The newly named 'Save New Barnet Campaign' was launched in July 2008
Save New Barnet Campaign is a non-political group of local residents fighting for a better New Barnet. The group seeks to inform the local community about potential changes to the area, and oppose inappropriate developments. The group aims to promote a clear vision for how New Barnet could be developed for the benefit of the community based on the views of local people.
New Barnet Community Association
New Barnet Residents Association (NBRA) was set up in 1971. There were plans to drive a road through the middle of Victoria Recreation ground to give access to a new gas board office block. Residents formed an association to fight these proposals and suggested an alternative route which was eventually adopted and is now known as Albert Road. Since then the association has been active in commenting on proposed developments in the area. It was the key group in ensuring that Barnet council was the first Borough in London to adopt a UDP (Unitary Development Plan) and has been heavily involved in all subsequent revisions. The association reviews and comments on local planning applications and assists individuals and groups respond to local applications. They have also submitted written comments to Planning Inspectors and appeared at Public Inquiries.
In 1983 New Barnet Community Centre was opened in response to an identified need for a base for local groups and a meeting place for social activities. NBRA became a registered charity and leased the former John Hampden school annexe from Barnet Council and undertook extensive works to make it fit for the purpose.
In 1998 NBRA changed its name to New Barnet Community Association (NBCA) to more accurately reflect the work that it was doing and to ensure that all sections of the community were included. It also enabled the Trustees to meet new legal and financial requirements as the organization grew. NBCA is a charitable company limited by guarantee. The lease payments to the borough and part of the running costs are met from a grant from Barnet Council. NBCA has to fundraise for the remainder.
The organization has no religious or political affiliations and works with individuals and groups from all sections of the community.
The building is the permanent base for the Victoria Luncheon club, Monday Social Club, Allsorts after school club, holiday play scheme and breakfast club, Allsorts inclusive youth club. It also provides affordable accommodation to a variety of local groups:- St John Ambulance, Alcoholics Anonymous, estate management companies for committee and annual meetings, Police Community Action Panel, Environmental groups, child minders, Yoga, meditation, dance classes, family parties, housing department and Housing Association meetings, Pentecostal church, Education classes, women's groups. Students have been placed on workplace experience and formal placement as part of their course. The variety of users reflects the changing needs of the community over the past 25 years.
As a Charitable Company limited by Guarantee, NBCA is run by a Management Board made up of 7 trustees who normally meet three times a year and have overall legal responsibility for the proper management of the organization. The trustees are elected by rotation at the Annual General Meeting held in November. The operation of the day centre is overseen by a management committee and all other matters are covered by a general committee which is open to anybody to attend.
NBCA is represented on the Barnet Community and Police Consultative Committee, Chipping Barnet Residents Forum and the Federation of Residents Associations in Barnet (FORAB)
New Barnet Community Association
Community Centre
48/50 Victoria Road
New Barnet
020 8441 7044